Friday, 14 March 2008

Session 5: Fasting & Mission

This was the title of our last evening together this Lent. There was a lot of lively discussion in the small groups and some great ideas were offered.

One of the questions asked was, what we might be called to put aside for God. Three different groups identified the way we use our time. We are often protective of our time, only giving so much of our time to the Church, or God. One group reminded us that Jesus always gave people his time – he was never too busy to listen to people, or help them when they were in need.
Another issue explored by three groups was money, especially the way we use our money. One group was concerned about our ‘love of money’. Discussions about the way we use our money opens up a sensitive issue and it was returned to, by another group, when considering the priorities God might set for us. The groups also questioned the churches pre-occupation with tradition, infrastructure and buildings.

The second question was what God was asking us to make a priority of him during this year? Several groups considered that God was asking us to focus on work we are already doing, that has a broad impact, such as the work of CYFC headed up by Lyndsay. Two groups spoke about God calling up to prioritise our outreach, finding ways to share the good news of Jesus Christ in practical ways, or through evangelism.

Among the creative thoughts about priorities, was one suggestion that we might run Alpha courses as CTC; we could run several courses a year and people would meet Christians from different denominations from the start of their Christian journey. Three groups suggested that CTC might run celebration events, such as a Festival of Faith. Finally one group suggested that what Chislehurst needed was Street Pastors – they are already at work in Orpington and Bromley.

The last question was about the groups in our community who need to hear the good news and the ways we might enable that to happen. The consensus was that we should be in touch with all the different age groups, though some did favour elderly and others parents. One group suggested people in debt – a good suggestion in our current economic climate?

When asked to think about how to do this, we received some creative ideas. Everything from a prayer boxes in local shops, to a summer barbeque on the street. Other groups reminded us of the importance to do small things, such as talking to people in pubs, on buses and in supermarket queues.

Carol Kitchener

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