Thursday, 28 February 2008

Session 3: Fasting & Action (Isaiah 58:7)

You can listen, or listen again to a recording of the talk from last night's session at the top of this page.

As part of my presentation, I played a recording of an account of a man called Mr. Genor, who used to stand in George Street, Sydney, Australia, handing out Christian literature. His story is amazing.  It's included in the 'Fasting & Action' recording, but is also included on its own - again in the audio player section above.
The subject was 'Fasting & Action', with the main emphasis being that we have a God of action, who has broken in to our world in the person of Jesus Christ, so that we might see what God is like and join him in his mission to bring his kingdom of love to bear more fully in a world where there is much suffering.  Here's the final slide from the presentation...

Some of our discussion after the presentation was based around these two questions:

What might a Christian mean when he / she says 'God loves you'?

How might Christians communicate the message of God's love to others?

I have summarised the feedback from the questions below...

God Loves You

God loves you. The kind of true love that God has for you longs for a response, but doesn't ever demand it. God sees you just as you are - the good and the bad bits, the happy & sad bits. None of that has ever, or will ever, change the extent of his love for you.

If you're lost at sea, he is already on his rescue mission. He may even be holding your head up above the water, preventing you from drowning. If you hold on, he'll be able to pull you out of the water, nurse you through your recovery, and help you to start walking again. As you continue to recover, he'll give you the opportunity to join his rescue mission, so that others lost at sea might be saved.

The Followers of Jesus Christ

The Followers of Jesus Christ are brave, generous with their time, keen to work with others, unconditionally kind, clearly and obviously loved by their Lord.

They give away pleasant surprises, befriend the lonely, demonstrate sacrifice, use God's voice to lift up others, telling true life-stories of his love for them.

They are always on the lookout for the next opportunity to speak a message of hope, they care, they share their treasures, opening their homes & lives free of charge.

They go the extra mile, they are joyful in the face of adversity, they listen, they laugh, they cry, they give equal value to every person. They use whatever means possible to communicate their Saviour's love.

As usual, please feel at liberty to comment.

Martin Hall

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